The Negative Impact Following the Organization on Campus Scientific Papers

SIN                : 1411070184
Department         : Teacher Education for Early Childhood Education
Date created : March 30, 2016
The Negative Impact Following the Organization on Campus
            For students, Campus is a place where he explores himself and his knowledge. Explore knowledge is not enough to learn because most knowledge gained through direct experience in activities directly related to the public premises. Before plunging in society, students need a container to train you campus environment by following one of the organizations on campus. Organization always has two significant effects: the effect running positive and negative impacts. A lot of people talking about the positive impact of the organization that will help students to be able to put yourself in the environment where it is located. Then what about the negative impact of the follow organizations on campus. Here will be discussed about the negative impact of following the organization on campus that is interfere with student learning, increase the burden of life,  detrimental to health, and lack of communication with families.  
               Student bound by the organization will tend to divide their time between learning and organization. For students who are able to split time with both the organizations would not interfere with learning. But the majority of students have not been able to divide their time between organizing and learning. Because the density of organizing in which organizations pay less attention to the study and often the organization's activities on Campus should take time to learn the students with permission dispensation. There is also an organizations perform an activity in the days near the time of the exam. So the focus of students to prepare for the exam will be interrupted and will ultimately have an impact on the final value is the cumulative performance index (CPI) will fall or even dropped.
            Learning activities on campus no more than two hours per lesson, but the tasks assigned to students is quite complex and preoccupy. Yet the organization's affairs are more complex. What does not, within one week students can at least be off on Saturday and Sunday, but for the student activist, Saturday and Sunday not a holiday, because the days are usually organizations conduct meetings specific and designing an event for its existence and strengthen the organization's name in the scope of the campus. Where as to make a pickle takes hard work is extraordinary, ranging from the search for funds, preparing for the show and think how to be an event can be success. It would drain the mind, energy, costs and ultimately burdening students.
               Student activists are often unaware that the activity of the organization on Campus unstructured, effect on health as; forget to eat or irregular eating, sleep irregularities and fatigue. Things above seem trivial, but if it goes in the long term will have serious consequences for the perpetrator organizations. The impact of disordered eating includes digestive disorders, nutrition absorption disorders, and certain diseases arise. Then the impact of irregular sleep because depression decreased sex drive, being forgetful and can cause serious diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
               Activities organization of continuous and sometimes sudden makes it difficult for students to take the time to communicate and chat with the exit and the surrounding environment. Most student activists spend time in the scope of the Campus. Many students are not able to divide their time between roles on campus and in the family. In the end, the quality of the meeting with the family can not be harmonious and too short. Student activists such as the exclusion of communication with the family too engrossed with the affairs of the organization that are in the lead. Though the role of the family is very important to a person's success.  
               Each organization has its positive and negative effects. Good or bad impact to be gained by hanging himself society actors. If the perpetrators of organizations able to divide their time and organize everything the organization's affairs wisely, then an organization will bring positive impacts to society actors. However, many organizations are not able to divide the perpetrators of the time, when to organize, when to promote private interests and when to be concerned with learning rather than the organization. So that an organization will tend to interfere with the activities that should take precedence. Everything has always been positive and negative effects, my advice “ if you follow the organization are more likely to have a positive impact then get on, but if the organization you are involved with more of a negative impact, then leave  without a doubt, without a look back”.
Thank You for Reading


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